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Let's Fiesta together and enjoy great snacks!

Tasty Snack Time!

We got a snack to satisfy most cravings.

Elote En Vaso (Mexican Street Corn)

Antojitos Menu


Burrito of the day!

Gustavo is your place to gather with your friends and enjoy some of the best drinks around. See you after work! *Happy Hour prices and participation may vary by location.

Bebidas Menu

Tina Davidson

The food is fresh and all the ingredients are of the highest quality.
The menu has choices for everyone. It is the kind of place you want to come back to.

Tina Davidson

Jason Reynolds

One of my favorite Mexican food restaurant.
I can assure you this food is authentic! Wonderful service and atmosphere!

Jason Reynolds

Laura Palmer

Unique experience! The decor is lively yet comforting and authentic without the kitsch creating a tasteful aura for our dining guests. Señores, señoras, and niños of all walks of life are treated like familia by the staff!

Laura Palmer

About Mis Antojitos

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